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CRM Intro

What is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management is to supervise and maintain customer relations effectively along with customer data, engagement and sales. So, CRM applications helps to organize and track the customer data effectively, from all in one place.

What is MS Dynamics CRM?

MS Dynamics CRM is an application helps you track all the customer interactions and data. With this application you can easily share all this information across your organization and can give clear picture to your teams through multiple channels. Heart of the Business Success is maintaining good relationship with your Customers.
Why MS Dynamics CRM?
MS Dynamics CRM is unique in the CRM marketplace due to
  • Look and feel of the application is very familiar and comfortable to work with
  • Comes with 3 Deployment options: On-Premise, Online, Hybrid.
  • Out of the box separate modules for Sales, Marketing and Service management which can be easily configurable as well as customizable
  • Ability to work with multiple business units
  • Defines and manage the information and interactions between the relationships
  • Easily integrates with MS Office
  • It works completely form within outlook to manage customer information, email messaging and calendar scheduling.
  • Operates with the .Net framework to customize the things and to meet the most advanced integration needs for 3rd party software.
  • Provides multi-currency and multi-language support which is available in over 80+ countries and 40+ languages.

MS CRM Goals:

The main idea of CRM is, that helps business using technology and human resources to have an insight of Customers and to gain business. With effective strategy we can increase revenue by...
  • What exactly the customer is interested in
  • Cross selling products
  • Retaining existing customers and discovering new ones. 
  • Attracting the customers with discounts and offers.
  • Providing best customer service. 

*****We have been trying to update the blog with all the MS CRM information ....Enjoy our MS CRM blog, please do leave feedback in the comments section.*****


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