Here is a sample console application, to get connected with MS CRM / D365 Make sure, you are using .Net 4.6 framework. In case you are using .Net Framework below 4.6, please uncomment ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 ; in the below code. The main purpose of this to provide more secure connectivity to the application, in which we have Microsoft updated and industry standard security policies. For more information on this, please refer here Steps: 1. Open Visual Studio, click on New Project 2. Select Visual C# and chose Console Application in the right pane. 3. Chose a desired name and location to the application 4. Go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console 5. In the console window, paste this - Install-Package Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreTools -Version Earlier, we used to add all the required CRM dlls from CRM SDK, now this the above NuGet package is taking care of that and it contains official SDK tools auth...